lördag 30 april 2011

Don't do it! Todays warning!

If you see this cute little banner on a page for Easyplant... Don't buy anything from them! Don't do it! I have been there and I have made the misstake. But now I have learned... It started about 4 years ago, we had heard about easyplant and that they had a very nice selection of plants. Well so far so good. So we ordered... The first year 2 plants came here dead, well not a big deal that can happen to anyone right? We then got 2 new plants and we were happy. Next year we ordered again. This time we got dead plants again. Not a big deal or so we tought! After about 6 emails and we don't even know how many phonecalls later we got money but not our money back. Oh no we got money to buy something next year. Well we didn't wanted to give them the money so we did ordered again this year but only for they money that we had with them. Well guess what? We got dead plants! Then they were reaaally hard to get a hold of. Finally I got to talk to one of their staff this thursday and she said that "Oh you will have your plants next week." Well easyplant I belive that when I see it! And then I am never ever going to shop there again! This is insane! So please take my warning do not buy anything from easyplant, your plants will be dead and you will get gray hairs trying to get ahold of them!

The day after..


 Well this is the day after and I am still alive. Haha no I am only kidding, the birthday was a good day. Spent it with the family and out in the sun. It was really nice. Today is another really sunny and warm day, with no wind. So I think we are going to the ocean today, do alittle fishing, spend some time in the sun. I will not bring the computer haha so I can't blog by the sea but I will update you guys later in the day. I will bring a camera so I can take loads of pictures. If there is something I love more then flowers it's the sea (well apart from family and friends then). I can spend days just laying in the sun by the sea relaxing. So I guess that is what I am going to do today. Having abit of a me day... That is something you need once in a while. Well now I have blabbed on for too long. It is time to get ready and leave. Well I hope that you all have a great day with lots of sun.
Now I will never forget my own name. That will come in handy as I am getting older haha! Oh btw the nailpolish is Isadora, Cinderella.

fredag 29 april 2011

Happy Birthday to me..

So now I am 24 years old, feels alot like 23 to be honest with you. haha! Well I guess that's good, that I did not wake up this morning feeling alot different. I am going to spend this day at home with the family, just relaxing, having some food, trying to avoid the wedding, reading some garden things. Yes that sounds like a great idea.

torsdag 28 april 2011

Still sick..

 I still don't feel so good, but it is getting better atleast. Today is going to be a slow day just gonna sit at home relaxing and try to feel better. I will probably blog later on in the day too so keep your eyes open haha.

The weather is as gray as me..

Oh how I wish that the weather today was as nice as when I took this picture. This was about 2 weeks ago down by the ocean and it was so nice. Warm winds and salty air, lovely!
Today the weather and I go hand in hand. I just feel gray, out of energy, don't really want to do anything. To top it off I'm turning 24 tormorrow. I know it's not an age, well it is for me half a year into 23 I still thought sometimes that I was 22. Next year it's time for 25 and I am not looking forward to that. Yesterday I was feeling sooo sick in the night, my stomach started to hurt like crazy and it was not a nice experience. Well well I guess I am going to try to avoid getting worse today so I don't have to be sick on my birthday. Oh one thing that is kind of fun, didn't the English royal wedding pick a great day? 29'th of April... Haha! Well anyway today I can stay in and plan what it is we are going to do this year. In the garden world I mean. I have planned to visit some big gardens, both for myself and for you. I tought it might be fun to see some big swedish gardens aswell as our smaller ones out here. Well now it is time for some breakfast so I will blog more later. Have a nice day!

onsdag 27 april 2011

The start is only the beginning.

Every year it's the same thing, trying to remeber what we used in the pots and what we planted last year. Did we put the tulips over there? Is that weed or is it some fancy flower? What did we buy for the front entrance to the house? Last year I borrowed my brothers camera and walked around taking pictures of everything we had done that year. Do you think it helped? Not really.. Now it's more "Do you think that this little green thing is that flower in the picture there?" Oh the joy of having a garden in the spring. Next year I'm gonna grow stuff on a balcony.

Todays magasine..

The swedish magasine Trädgård & Blommor 2001.

Trädgård & Blommor
(Garden & Flowers)
This magasine is about everyone that loves flowers and gardens. I love this magasine, you pick it up and just after the first page.. well let's just say that we will need a bigger garden soon. This magasine has it all, pretty gardens, balconies, patios full of flowers and alot of good advice.

 Kerstin Holmberg, Chefredaktör
 Trädgård & Blommor comes out in 4 numbers a year.
 Adress: Trädgård & Blommor, LRF Media, 113 92  Stockholm
 Telefon: 08-588 365 65
 Redaktion: tradgard@lrfmedia.lrf.se
 Kundtjänst: pren@lrfmedia.lrf.se


The illness hits us all sometimes.

Just 2 days ago I was sitting in the sun and living the life. Today I sit inside, freeezing, with stomach pains and a suar throat. I can hardly get my breakfast down, so working in the garden today is probably not a good idea. So today Im staying in and looking in some magasines and reading some blogs to see if I can get some inspiration for our garden. That's about what I can do today. Hope that you are having a better day then I am.

måndag 25 april 2011

Summer in April.

The weather the last couple of days have been insane. We have wished for spring for such a long time now and over easter we got it...and then some. In our greenhouse it has been over 30 degrees celsius! But I am not complaining. Oh no! Far from it! I love it, I have spent the weekend amongs the plants working on my book. I have heard that it's both good for the brain and the tan haha. We have also got our entire patio washed and boy was that needed. I had no idea that it was made out of wood (okey I did but it's cleaner wood now). Today we are gonna get some raised plantbeds built, I can't wait for that. This is such a fun time of the year, this is when it all starts. Well I am off to easterlunch with fresh bread, harring and eggs!