måndag 25 april 2011

Summer in April.

The weather the last couple of days have been insane. We have wished for spring for such a long time now and over easter we got it...and then some. In our greenhouse it has been over 30 degrees celsius! But I am not complaining. Oh no! Far from it! I love it, I have spent the weekend amongs the plants working on my book. I have heard that it's both good for the brain and the tan haha. We have also got our entire patio washed and boy was that needed. I had no idea that it was made out of wood (okey I did but it's cleaner wood now). Today we are gonna get some raised plantbeds built, I can't wait for that. This is such a fun time of the year, this is when it all starts. Well I am off to easterlunch with fresh bread, harring and eggs!