onsdag 27 april 2011

Todays magasine..

The swedish magasine Trädgård & Blommor 2001.

Trädgård & Blommor
(Garden & Flowers)
This magasine is about everyone that loves flowers and gardens. I love this magasine, you pick it up and just after the first page.. well let's just say that we will need a bigger garden soon. This magasine has it all, pretty gardens, balconies, patios full of flowers and alot of good advice.

 Kerstin Holmberg, Chefredaktör
 Trädgård & Blommor comes out in 4 numbers a year.
 Adress: Trädgård & Blommor, LRF Media, 113 92  Stockholm
 Telefon: 08-588 365 65
 Redaktion: tradgard@lrfmedia.lrf.se
 Kundtjänst: pren@lrfmedia.lrf.se