torsdag 28 april 2011

The weather is as gray as me..

Oh how I wish that the weather today was as nice as when I took this picture. This was about 2 weeks ago down by the ocean and it was so nice. Warm winds and salty air, lovely!
Today the weather and I go hand in hand. I just feel gray, out of energy, don't really want to do anything. To top it off I'm turning 24 tormorrow. I know it's not an age, well it is for me half a year into 23 I still thought sometimes that I was 22. Next year it's time for 25 and I am not looking forward to that. Yesterday I was feeling sooo sick in the night, my stomach started to hurt like crazy and it was not a nice experience. Well well I guess I am going to try to avoid getting worse today so I don't have to be sick on my birthday. Oh one thing that is kind of fun, didn't the English royal wedding pick a great day? 29'th of April... Haha! Well anyway today I can stay in and plan what it is we are going to do this year. In the garden world I mean. I have planned to visit some big gardens, both for myself and for you. I tought it might be fun to see some big swedish gardens aswell as our smaller ones out here. Well now it is time for some breakfast so I will blog more later. Have a nice day!