torsdag 26 maj 2011

It's everyones choice...

 I think it is funny, I do not see myself as a fashion snob. And I do like alot of styles, it is great that people can wear what ever they want. That's the way it should be! I do admire everyone who has the guts to go out there and show off their personal style, I really do. But I guess that I am more classical when it comes to my style. Some off the things in fashion I just don't get. It's not that I am boring myself and never dress outside the box, cause I do. It's just that some things are just not for me. I can look at people and go "Hmm... intreresting" but I would never put it on myself. I think that is why I really like the more classical "old fashion" designers, they bring you classical pieces in new ways. Maybe I am just an old lady in a young body haha! Or perhaps I do have my own personal uniqe style. It's just that it is pretty classical...